Joanna Wilheim

On this, Joanna Wilheim (2002, pg. 59) says: ' ' … ame, requested for its deep sadness or delivers to its depression, deixade to be affectively available for it, leaving it only … ' '. The mother nofavorecendo such affective availability, had its emotional state, ' ' … removes its libido of the contact with this temporary guest who it made use itself to aalbergar, leaves it to it abandoned to a situation of unjust overload edesamparo … ' ' (WILHEIM, 2002, p.59).

Alone, the embryo is not capable of lidarcom these feelings of the mother affect that it and this affective availability is defundamental importance in the development of the embryo-baby-child, periods of training queexigem well-taken care of, protection and much affection. SegundoWilheim (2002), fits to the mother, during its gestation, to talk with its futurobeb, to dedicate attention, speech when something will be happening, to explain daily suaspreocupaes and its moments of tension. The parents if still feel semjeito to talk with the belly, but if he makes necessary, therefore doventre inside maternal already meets a being in formation that it needs affection, cares so that if it feels since already loved and desired by the parents. The voice materna of great importance for the embryo. To count histories or to sing a music soformas to make familiar this being that, to the rising, hearing this same voice, will areconhecer, when hearing same music and same history. Thus, it tranquillity will bebdemonstrar and part of this family will be felt; mainly, to seestiver crying, stops at the accurate moment where listening these emsicas histories. The just-been born ones prefer the voice of its mother other voices.